I am Superwoman!

Ok, so we got Isaac one of those wooden fort/playset things for his birthday. The box says, "build and play in a day." So we get the lumber and work out a plan to keep Isaac away from the construction site before his party on Sunday, that way its a surprise. Well the "day" in "build and play" turned into weeks. The construction team that we assembled, made up of family members, couldn't quite get it going in that time frame. In fact they all missed hanging out at Isaac's party just to try and get this thing assembled by the end of it, which never happened.

So here this thing sits half completeled in our backyard and me getting impatient. Every weekend brings other dilemas and things that take precedence and nothing happens to this poor playset. So I devise a plan. I'll have my brother and step-dad come and finish it during the week, especially since we're going to South Padre this weekend for the Fourth and yet again nothing would be done to the thing for another two weeks. All seems well since they too need assistance, networking their home computers and my husband being a computer geek, can exchange services.

Well it would seem that complications would again arise and my kid's playset seems fated by the powers-that-be not to be erected. My brother did however rise to the occasion. So he and I worked most the day and got the thing done! Praise God! But here's the whammy.

On top of assisting him in this undertaking, I also managed to do 4 loads of laundry (and put all of it away), tend to the entertainment and refereeing of two two-year-olds (my son and niece), fix breakfast and lunch for us all, wash and put away two loads of dishes, sweep, mop, vacuum (the whole house), get my kid in bed for his nap, and had all this done before the naps so that I too could rest before Ryan got home at 6:30p and then we headed out the door for a class we've been taking.

My major undertaking had two effects. One was that of tremendous pride in being a super-mega-mom and two was a major migraine that was only half-way taken care of by the ingesting of migraine pills and caffeine. All the same my kid has a playfort/slide/swingset/rockwall-thing and I have the satisfaction of knowing that I can really rock it if I need to.

After all who knows what adventures tomorrow may bring for mega-mom. Because I still need to pack, go to the zoo for a playdate with a friend, more laundry, and so it goes. Stay at home moms have a pretty big job and how the single parents deal with it.... I have NO idea!

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