Blogging, the internet, websites, and geek husbands resistant to change

So I've been very resistant to this blog stuff. I still don't think anyone will ever care enough to really read this but oh well I'm gonna try it out. My computer savvy/geek husband insists that I'll love the blog thing and wants to set me up a blog on our real website ( He jokingly says that I'm "cheating" on our website with this myspace (obviously written for my myspace blog originally) thing. He's the computer programmer but I'm the one who manages our site, through his tutelage of course. Well when he sits down and writes the code for me to have a real blog then I'll use his. Until then I'll occasionally have a verbal vomit on this little thing. Ryan, that's my husband, thinks this whole myspace thing is just another internet fad like geocities and others who've gone before it. Well he's more than likely right. But I'll tap into it, at least for nothing else but to have a front door to our real website. Which, by the way, I've spent years building. So maybe I am cheating on it a little. It really needs a face lift right now. I love it anyway. It is the witness of our lives and has a wealth of pictures and information about us and who we are. If you really do care, go and see it. Otherwise we can have a superficial acquaintance here on this myspace thing. I'm fine with that too.

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